International Tickets

Anyone thinking of traveling for away games in the Six Nations – please contact Niall Draper ( immediately to advise of your ticket requests. The club gets a small allocation so we can give no guarantees.

Please note that priority will be given to the following applicants:

    • Annual Membership has been paid by applicant.
    • Applicants who are members of the 400 Club and the Club Lotto.
    • Applicants who are workers in the Club.
    • Applicants who are sponsors of the Club.
    • The application is made on the condition that you accept responsibility for payment of the tickets awarded to you direct via Ticketmaster.
    • Cancellation policy – tickets once ordered will require payment in full.
    • Tickets are not transferrable, we have a waiting list, you must return tickets if not using them.
    • The application must be made on this official form only by Friday 08/12/2023.
    • Maximum allocation Two per club member but this does not entitle you to two.